The National Rehabilitation Society for the Disabled (NRSD)

Providing vocational training to person with disability for rehabilitating and empowering them to make themselves independent.


National Rehabilitation Society for Disabled envisions a barrier free inclusive society where persons with disabilities own appropriate and suitable assistive devices and are treated with dignity, respect and on the basis of equality.



We challenge ourselves to the highest level of learning and performance, tapping the best of the human spirit to create impact.


We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honoring each individual; we know that change happens through people.


We know that by embracing differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can solve the world’s most complex problems.


We are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparently sharing our results, stories and lessons.


We believe in urgent action, innovation, and the necessity of transformation within the world and our own organization.


We challenge ourselves to the highest level of learning and performance, tapping the best of the human spirit to create impact.

Our Mission

National Rehabilitation Society for Disabled envisions a barrier free inclusive society where persons with disabilities own appropriate and suitable assistive devices and are treated with dignity, respect and on the basis of equality.

Rehabilitating the people with disabilities by providing suitable assistive devices and empowering them by self-employment and innovative training.